Ronald Robertson

Dr. Aaronn Avit Ajeng

  • ExpertiseBiology and Biochemistry
  • Curriculum VitaeDownload here

G-Experience 2015

Hello readers!
So yesterday I participated in a program called G-Experience. What does the ‘G’ stand for? It stands for Gold, Green and Great! What makes it gold, green and great? that is what I am going to tell you!
G-experience was basically a collaboration program between three institutes which were my own college(Kolej Matrikulasi Sarawak) , Universiti Malaysia Sarawak(UNIMAS) and Kolej Kebajikan Laila Taib, Kuching. This program was originally a project proposed by the third year students in UNIMAS. The program was carefully designed to achieve its own objectives which were to raise awareness of the importance of 3Rs( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). That explained the word “Green” . As for “Gold” and “Great” they are referring to the experience itself. We gained a lot of great experiences and learned to appreciate things as if they were gold.
We were greeted by the Liaison Officer upon arriving the university. 

G-Experience 2015 covered 2 main activities which were to explore UNIMAS and do charity work in Kolej Kebajikan Laila Taib( home for orphans). By “explore” we did enjoy walking around the campus and had the insights of the university life. We learned valuable experiences throughout the whole program.

these were Liaison Officers of Kolej Cempaka UNIMAS and also the G-Experience committees
we started the program by having a simple breakfast in Centre for Academic Information Services(CAIS) and we were given a tour inside the building. CAIS is the main library in UNIMAS.

We also visited some faculties in the campus. We were exhausted because we had to walk from one faculty to another, but we enjoyed the visits as we gathered  a lot of useful information about each faculty. Along the way, we also saw some international students around, most of them were from Bangladesh, middle east and some Asian countries like Korea etc.
We visited the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences too where we were shown the correct procedure ofcardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) and we met some medical students lingering around the Anatomy Museum. We also had the chance to ask the medical students how it feels to study Medicine. Was it really tough? Yes, they said but if you are very persistent and consistent, you’ll make it!

She(Orange cloth) was one the medical students welcoming us to the faculty.

I don’t remember what the machine was but all i knew is it is important during emergency haha

We had a break in the noon before going for the tour again. We rested for half an hour after the lunch in the multi-purpose room provided in which we had our lunch too. We have been on tour for 4 hours!
we continued our tour around 1.30pm. We went to visit some other faculties before we were allowed to go to the Student Pavilion. There were lots of Halal foods can be found here, yes at an affordable price.

After spending some pennies in the pavillion, we were brought to out hostel where we will stay the night. At last, I was able to rest for about an hour before the Malam Santai Seni and The Opening Ceremony of G-Experience held at the open theater in Kolej Cempaka.

G-experience Opening Ceremony  
The opening ceremony was also attended by the UNIMAS students who live in Kolej Cempaka. There were performances like traditional and modern dances from UNIMAS dan Kolej Matrikulasi Sarawak students. Here’s some pickups from the ceremony!

after the ceremony, we headed back to the hostel to rest.. on the next day we woke early as 5 am and prepared ourselves before 6.30 am. we had breakfast before headed to Kolej Kebajikan Laila Taib.
we did a charity work and played some games with the children. We were blessed by this opportunity to approach these kids. We also had lunch together with them and i think that was the most memorable experience ever. We understand their lost and we have tried our best to keep them happy “)  I am sorry that I couldn’t provide pictures of our visit to the Orphan home as I lost them :( but the memory of them will stay forever. :’)


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